
The research partnership project of the National Collective on Male Victimization (CNVAM) is a project that brings together researchers, representatives of organizations supporting men, and male survivors of interpersonal trauma during their childhood. This project is currently funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

CNVAM aims to:

  • Document the difficulties that male victims of interpersonal childhood trauma go through.
  • Document the range of existing practices for male victims of childhood trauma.
  • Implement a systematic assessment protocol for when men consult survivor services or organizations.

This series of video aims to demystify the sexual victimization men can go through during childhood by exploring their journey. These videos were created thanks to the partnership with men who have been victims of abuse or sexual assault during childhood.

A special thank you to all the men who opened up to us!

The videos are filmed in French, but they have been translated and have English subtitles.

Capsule 1 - L'agression sexuelle, ça arrive aussi aux garçons

Capsule 2 - Briser le silence de l'agression sexuelle en enfance

Capsule 3 - Demander de l'aide en tant qu'homme victime d'agression sexuelle

Capsule 4 - Hommes victimes d'agression sexuelle : Accueillir le dévoilement

Capsule 5 - Guérir en tant qu'homme victime d'agression sexuelle

Mythes pouvant entraver le dévoilement d’agression sexuelle en enfance chez les hommes

Tips for professionals working with male victims of sexual assault (in French)